Lektor: Piper Parker
Lektor: David Dostál
Lektor: Rosibel Marquez
Lektor: Mgr. Nikol Maio
Lektor: Jitka Rotterová
Lektor: Bc. Veronika Carmanová
This amazing Yoga Teacher Training programm will give you all the tools you need to transform yourself from yoga lover to yoga profesional. Piper Lori Parker, the lead teacher of this programm, is very passionate teacher for the teachers and it is her Dharma to help you BLOOM. Rest of the faculty are the perfect team together, we create the most well rounded yoga programm near and far.
Each weekend includes lectures on Friday 3 - 8.15 pm,
Saturday 8 am - 5 pm and Sunday 8 am - 5 pm
1.weekend January 24th - 26th, 2025
2.weekend February 21st - 23rd, 2025
3.weekend March 21st - 23rd, 2025
4.weekend April 11th - 13th, 2025
5.weekend May 2nd - 4th, 2025
6.weekend May 23rd - 25th, 2025
7.weekend June 13th - 15th, 2025
This Yoga Teacher Training has become the most favorite and beloved teacher training in our Prague community. Big thanks goes to the lead teacher Piper Parker alias Yoga Mommy, that will nurtutre you with knowledge and kindness and help you to fullfill your yoga dream.
Piper is an experienced teacher and a fun soul, who will guide you through this Yoga Alliance certified training. The faculty is strong together , excellency and experience speaks volumes. David Dostál - history, Rosibel Marquez - postures breakdown, Jitka Rotterová - anatomy, Veronika Carmanová - yin yoga, meditation, Nikol Maiospecial groups, healthy aspects of yoga.
Who is this training for:
This training will be conducted in English, so the first condition is, you do speak English :) This training is great for all yoga enthusiasts, who want to learn more, practice more, progress more.
Yoga is a journey to an inner path.
Learn, share and expand.
“yoga” – union, yoke, especially in mind, body, spirit
“vinyasa” – to place the body in a special way
One of the only in person all English yoga schools in Prague, led by an experienced facilitator in Teaching Trainings both 200 and 300 hour from the United States. This program will be focused on transforming students into teachers, by exploring the key concepts of philosophy underneath the practice and teaching of yoga and showing the why and how the yoga works as a tool for physical, mental, and spiritual health. We will explore the basic tenants of yoga, the blueprint postures associated with Vinyasa, introduce other styles and their influences, and do it as a tight knit school of souls with a spirit of fun throughout. Practical and easily applicable tools will be provided and practiced so that you leave this program confident and ready to teach your first yoga class!
This course is accredited by Yoga Alliance, USA. Czech legislation does not allow to accredit English speaking courses with MŠMT diploma. If you are fluent in Czech language, you might sign up for National exam ( also cinducted at Karma Yoga) and get your certification for Živnostenský list. If you are not fluent in czech, that should stop you. This high quality, world class teacher training that is available to you right here in Prague, for split of the cost and without the travel fees, is accredited by Yoga Alliance. Just the same as any other course you would complete in the USA or Bali, we hold the same accreditation. What to do if you intend to obtain Czech work documents? If you are Czech speaker, you can sign up for Narodní kvalifikace, for others there is another possibility we can discuss in person.
Commit to set dates, you need to be present to all lessons.
18 years of age, highschol diploma, 1 years of practice, sincere interest of yoga
If you feel like yoga is your calling and the content of this course excites you and you are tempted to immerse in the old traditional knowledge called yoga, than you are ready to fill out the application and sign up for our yoga teacher training.
Please print out this application, fill it out and send it over to us:
[javascript protected email]
Please send the amount of 5000 CZK as an administration fee for your application. This amount is not refundable.
Vnímáš to jako své volání a chceš se přihlásit? Není nic jednoduššího. Znovu, prosím, zkontroluj datumy a podmínky .
Pokud je vše v pořádku, tak si, prosím, stáhni
vytiskni přihlášku a vyplněnou ji zašli na email:
[javascript protected email]
Zároveň je nutné poslat rezervační zálohu 5 000 Kč na číslo účtu školy 115-2710100267/0100 (přesné pokyny jsou i na přihlášce), bez toho není přihláška platná a nebude brána v potaz.
(Pokud potřebujete vystavit fakturu, prosím, informujte nás o tom při vaší platbě.
Později již bohužel není možné fakturu vystavit.)
Pro zobrazení se musíte přihlásit.